Jeanette Ngo


Duration Oct 2021 - Mar 2022
My Role UI/UX Design & Publicity Assistant
Tools Used Figma
univus cover


uNivUS is a gateway app for the NUS community to easily access campus resources. Currently, uNivUS is used by over 10,000 NUS students and staff.

My Role

    As the sole student designer, I:
  • Oversaw the design of various new features, including: Calendar, Inbox, Events, E-Attendance and Dark Mode
  • Worked collaboratively with managers and developers to ideate and iterate on designs
  • Created functioning prototypes for user testing
  • Designed publicity materials such as posters to promote new features to the NUS community


I designed a calendar widget for the main dashboard, where users can view upcoming classes, exams, and personal events.

calendar widget

I considered key features that would appeal to busy students (as a student myself), such as easy timeline navigation and calendar edits, and class/exam info at-a-glance.

calendar features


The inbox feature allows easy access to schoolwide announcements and a curated feed to promote events and community engagement.

inbox features

I designed the iconography for the inbox feature, with the goal to create recognizable icons that are representative of the features they serve.

inbox icons


The events aggregator compiles events from different organizers and sites into one quick access feature for the NUS community.

events features

Brainstorming on improving event tiles and the UI for event details!

event tiles


E-Attendance allows event organizers to easily manage participants by creating or importing attendance lists.


Dark Mode

Last but not least, a dark mode colour scheme to make it easier on the eyes at night 😎

dark mode gif

Colour Palette


I also designed various publicity banners and posters featured on the uNivUS app and website.