Jeanette Ngo

Corpus Animatum

Duration Sep - Nov 2020
Project Type Group (5 members)
Role Artist
Tools Used Miro, Adobe Photoshop, GameMaker Studio 2


This is a project submission for my NM3216 Game Design module. In this project, I worked as the lead artist in charge of conceptualizing the overall game aesthetic and designing the various components needed for the game, such as background screens and interactive elements (e.g. buttons).


Corpus Animatum is a single-player, top-down shooter game set against the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse. The game features various stages of difficulty and includes different types of zombie and boosters to create a dynamic playing experience. In this game, the main objective is to survive and take down the zombie boss in the final stage.

Game Preview

Splash Screen

Splash Screen

Main Screen

Main Screen

Player Instructions

Game Objective Game Objective Player Controls Zombie Types Pickups Pickups

Pause Menu & In-game Instructions

Pause Screen In-Game Instructions

Tutorial Screens

Welcome Movement Attack Zombie Pickups Pickups Objective Warning


Credits Additional Credits

End Game Screens

Game Over Screen Game Won Screen